Event : Embedded System Worshop with Arduino
Date: 19th and 20th November
Venue; Beginow, TC-5/2416, Ambalamukku, Kowdiar, Trivandrum.
Beginow, a Trivandrum-based embedded system training and product development firm, has organized a 2-day workshop on Arduino, an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible ,easy to use hardware and software.
The intended audience of this is the artists, designers, hobbyists, technologists, and any one interested in creating interactive objects and environments.Arduino can sense the environment by receiving the input from a variety of sensors and can effect its affect its surrounding by controlling various output devices.
The workshop will be conducted by experienced domain experts . The workshop is scheduled as a series of lectures and hands on exercises with supporting handouts. The students/ participants shall be assisted through out the session. The aim of this 2 day workshop is to provide participants with an introduction to the world of physical computing of Arduino. This preliminary Workshop will introduce to the world of Arduino IDE.
The workshop is open to all. The participation and registration fee is INR 1250/- per head with three participants per team.
Event : Embedded System Worshop with Arduino
Date: 19th and 20th November
Venue; Beginow, TC-5/2416, Ambalamukku, Kowdiar, Trivandrum.
For further details, call +91471 606 1 666