>>Lifeline MCS India is organizing a health and wellness exhibition for Technopark employees. The exhibition will held at Bhavani Building on January 11, 2013 (Friday), 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The event will feature Neutraceuticals, food supplements, books & DVDs, meditation for total wellness and peak productivity, law of attraction, and mind mastery workshops.
Lifeline foundation strives for the empowerment of mind, body, emotions and soul, by imparting training and through publications, production of books magazines, periodicals, audios, videos and other electronic materials connected to mind, thought, mind control, mind care, body, emotions and soul and empowering people through mind power and soft skills.
Lifeline MCS India invites all Techies to visit the exhibition to know more about a healthy lifestyle.
For More Details  Visit:  www.lifelinemcsindia.com