Spotted this same car for the third time parking the same way in the Technopark parking space behind Pamba building. Why our people are so irresponsible? Watch out the Yellow line. All other cars are parked properly, but what is special with this car?
I’m reporting it to since I noticed this car for the third time parked similarly. Authorities should take up such issue, since we are struggling by the lack of parking space in technopark.
Repoerted by: Amith Raj, Technopark
NOTE: Readers, please send similar incidents around you to us, with photos, we will review, and  publish it under the Citizen Journalism.
Any idea about the owner of this vehicle? anyway thanks for publishing such incidents.
He/She may be yellow color blind 🙂
The name of the car owner is CHITHRA J.C according to the motor dept. website.
No wonder why the car is parked like this. I’m still confused on why such people can drive safely? how dare they to drive in our roads? she doesnt even know how to park a car properly in the parking lot. very strange…
good work reporter..good work.. we need such reports to make others understand that what is happening around us. there is nobody to question them or report such things. kudos to reporter and
expecting more citizen journalisms…
Good report Amjith…expecting more such reports!!
Any change in this car owners attitude? any updates? 🙂
There should be parking test should be made mandatory for getting license
I think the driver is strategically parking to avoid bird shit and drops from the trees. Why cant the technopark take action against such repeated defaulters?
I saw this same car even yesterday parked in the middle of the line. He/she was parking correctly for a few weeks after this article released, and again staeted to park in the middle. i will take a snap next time when i see it and we need to take action against such people.