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A Special day with Very Special Children

Alamy Technopark CSR Actitivities on Womens Day

Alamy Images India Pvt Ltd of Technopark celebrated Women’s Day by visiting some very special children. CLICKS (the socio-cultural club of Alamy) visited Mahatma Memorial Educational Charitable Society, Kulavikonam at Nedumangadu. This institution houses around 20 special children who have various health challenges, and the place is in need of financial assistance. Marking a special event or day, Alamy’s CSR activity is centred around helping the needy, particularly persons in such types of institutions.

Sindhu Pillai, CLICKS President says, “ Usually, when we approach institutions housing orphans, old age homes and rehabilitation centres in the city, we see that there are no dearth of funds and donations for these places; however there are various places far away from the city that are struggling to feed even the inmates. We need to conduct socially useful activities further out into the remote areas as well.”

Alamy provided day to day essentials like grocery and home necessities to these children and spent some quality time with them.

Prasanna Sundararajan, COO, Alamy Images, said, “Happy women’s day to all the women folk and friends. Probably this year would be an unforgettable one for some time due to the atrocities met out to women like the events that happened in Delhi and other places. Lets pray that these incidents don’t get repeated..I am delighted that the women at Alamy decided to spend Women’s Day with these special children.”


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