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BlackBerry Playbook is better than Apple iPad?

Despite the so-so reviews it received before its launch the BlackBerry tablet leaves Apple’s iPad miles behind in multitasking, say the experts

Its powerful QNX operating system – called Neutrino – allows the PlayBook to perform multitasking at amazing speed, according to experts.Thus, PlayBook users need not stop one application to start up another. They can keep all applications running simultaneously. That’s why the PlayBook has no ‘Home’ button unlike the iPad because users don’t need to stop any running application to start a new one.
“If you want to do more than one thing at once and you want to do it very fast – if you want to do work and play together – the PlayBook shines better than the iPad.The BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM) acquired Ottawa-based QNX software company for $200 million in April 2010

But in the Apple-dominated tablet market, few analysts are giving thumbs up to the BlackBerry tablet – the first product by RIM to diversify away from its trademark BlackBerry smart phone.


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  1. Tomorrows competition is in tablet market. and in mobile market. so every player is putting their best efforts to get their own shares in the upcoming business.

    Whats the price of Blackberry tablet, and whats the price difference from the ipad? any idea?

  2. florastokesu charli

    What was the total price of an 16G Wifi Apple iPad cost.Including the tax, i know it is $499 USD but what is the total amount you have to pay.
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