Breaking News

Robotics for kids: Workshop for children in Trivandrum (April 24-26, 2017)>> B’HUB, operating out of Cardinal Cleemis Center for Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Mar Ivanios Vidya Nagar, Trivandrum is launching an innovative program for Children.  Robotics for kids, a workshop for children in Trivandrum between the ages of 3’rd grade and 10’th grade from April 24-26, 2017.

The workshop will cover the following topics:

  1. Lighting& led (series & parallel)
  2. Brightnesscontrol of led
  3. Burglaralarm
  4. Dooropen detection
  5. Motordirection control
  6. Basicmovements (forward, left & right)
  7. Obstacleavoider
  8. Linetracer
  9. Pitavoider
  10. Lightfollower


The workshop will be for children between the ages of 3rd grade and 10th grade. Each child has to register online at an early date as the seats are limited.  – Register online

Fees Structure

Each Child shall pay Rs.5,000/- for the 3 day workshop. However there are early bird discounts available. The amount will be inclusive of the cost of Two Takeaway Robotic kits


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