Trivandrum Shopping Map is now available in TechnoparkToday website.  Now you can find where your favorite brands are selling in the city, or where is that yummy biriyani which your friends were telling about.
This is an exclusive shopping map for all of our readers, right now we includes almost every major brands and famous restaurants and eating joints, but we know still it is incomplete. we are keep on adding the new destinations every week, and you can also suggest the names, if we missed any. We placed the shopping map link in the small menu bar of the website. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr.’Kidu’ for making this feature for us.
Click Here to view trivandrum shopping map.
Looking forward to hear from all of our readers about this feature. Hope you loved it!
very useful. thanks for the feature.
very helpful for the newcomers in trivandrum. now at least we can get an idea of where the shop and no need of anymore negotiations with autowalas.
Great work man… really wonderful.