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Sitting Too Much May Be Hazardous to Your Health!

Sitting more than 6 hours per day may increase your risk of premature death, even if you engage in regular exercise!, We know it would be very shocking news like people like us, sitting almost half of  our daytime.

this analysis were drawn from 184,910 participants in the CPS-II Nutrition Cohort, a study of cancer incidence and mortality begun by the American Cancer Society.The 10-page mailed questionnaire included questions on demographic, reproductive, medical, behavioral, and lifestyle factors.  For this analysis, the researchers excluded subjects with a personal history of cancer, heart attack, stroke, or lung disease.

During the follow-up period, 11,307 men and 7,923 women died.  The researchers found that time spent sitting was associated with all-cause mortality in both men and women, even after adjustment for other factors that could affect mortality.  Women who sat for 6 or more hours per day had a 37% greater risk of death than women who sat less than 3 hours per day.  Men who sat for 6 or more hours per day had an 18% greater risk of death than men who sat less than 3 hours per day.  These results were identical even after adjustment for leisure time physical activity levels.

You can read more details Here.


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