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Three steps to Performance Appraisal>>  Mittal is an engineer working in anIT company about five years.Other than completing his project works on time, he used to volunteer and attend all technical training programs offered by the organization. Out of interest, Mittal completed some advanced computer programming courses, on his own. Later, the Company was benefitted out of it. He is a voracious reader and reads some latest arrival books on technical, management and generic fields.

As a part of socialization and self-improvement, Mittaljoined and benefitted out of an individual development and training organization,one of the largest youth organizations in the World. Mittal started attending all monthly training programs of the organization which delivered training workshops like, ‘The Professional’, ‘The Change Manager’, ‘Excellence- a way of life’, ‘Synergy-2014’, ‘Riding the Waves’, ‘Challenge Yourself’, “The Leader Manager’ etc., the latest topics of interest. He updated his knowledge and skills and upgraded himself through, “Continuous improvement” and ‘Consistent Performance’. Thus, he proved himself to be an asset to the organization. He was considered as the first person for the promotion, during appraisal.

Renjith is a computer engineer working in another IT company. He completes all his work on time bringing in excellent results. He learns new technologies and is passionate in learning new gadgets and propagates the new knowledge to his senior officers, too. As a result, his company emerged out as the pioneers in the state to use the latest technologies. In short, Renjith’s interest and innovation led the Company to start using latest gadgets. Renjith and his company gained more reputation. During appraisals, Renjith was considered, without any second thought.
Points of Interest:-
The employee has to introspect whether he/she is an asset to the organization.Also, they should be aware of the value additions they provide to the organization. If he is convincingly found to be an asset to the organization, he will be promoted. Because, promotions are not supposed to be given, but earned! Those who think it is the former will always be disappointed.

How to become an asset?
1. You have to be a very systematic officer who completes all project works on time with excellent results.

2. You can become an asset to the organization, through intellectual contributions to the organization
a. By attending new coursesand contributing the knowledge &experience.
b. By attending new training programs and contributing the knowledge and skill.
c. By reading new relevant books and contributing.
d. By getting new Certifications and using for the betterment of the organization.
e. By attaining new Technical knowledge required.

3. You can also become an asset to the organization, through new Technology adaptions

a. By seeing new devices and making use in the organization
b. By learning new methodologies and present/practice in the organization
c. By seeing and using new Gadgets and present /use in the organization

Ajayyakumar B

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