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STOP violence against women around Technopark – Signature Campaign.

Have you ever thought about the trauma a woman goes through post a physical assault at the hands of a total stranger? Will life be same ever again?

women-safety-technopark-signature, 2014): India’s largest IT park – Technopark-Trivandrum and its  surrounding areas are being abused by miscreants and anti-social elements turning it unsafe for women. Several incidents of distress and torment, physical assault and anti-social activities have been reported from the IT Capital of Kerala! There is at least one incident per week that comes to light and many more that goes unnoticed.

It is to be further noted that the known issues and incidents are several and one can easily imagine the magnitude of the unreported ones. That could certainly be enormous and unnerving! This is deeply worrying and affects the morale of working women, who form a major part of the workforce in Technopark and is in direct conflict with the moral standards that we as a nation strive to uphold. In light of a recent incident that happened around 11 am on Saturday, 15th March 2014, we demand immediate action to deter such heinous crimes.

As part of our continuous efforts to stop atrocities against women around Technopark Trivandrum, IAK-Be TheChange (facebook – is organizing a signature collection drive for a mass petition to the Hon’ble Home Minister, Home Secretary and other authorities concerned of Government of Kerala. associating with IAK-Be the change for this noble mission. Let’s join our hands to make technopark and its surroundings a better place to live and work for everyone, especially women.

Sign your petition Here…



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  1. wondering why such a movement came now only. The nearby areas of technopark is not safe for women. especially the back gate.

  2. Thanks for taking up this issue. lot of incidents are happening on a daily basis, but none of them are knowing outside. the main reason is girls are afraid of revealing it to anyone, even to their friends ( shame as well as the consequences in her future). that gives more courage to the criminals to attack more girls.