>> Reserve Bank of India starts Investigation on Technopark focused ATM robbery. The case will be carried forward by Reserve bank Ombudsman special investigation department. The investigation will be initiated by verifying the FIR handed over to the Reserve Bank by Kazhakuttom Police.
Within last one and half years, four techie victims have filed complaint against robbery. So the preliminary investigation will be done to understand if the hacker has any connections with Technopark – Shri Baburaj(CI, Kazhakootam Police) said.
Recently an employee of IBS lost INR 20,000 from her bank account. The ATM skimming team having connections worldwide is expected to be the brain behind these robberies as well. The information from the magnetic strip is copied to the device kept near the card swipe. Moreover hacker takes advantage of hidden camera and other sources to get more details of the victim’s bank account.
Police suspects atleast one helping hand within Technopark for the International fraud Bank Robbery team as most of the cases are being filed by techie victims.
Rohini, another techie lost INR 80,000 last year. The hacker withdrew her money in Maharashtra. Later Athira , working in Swami’s Solutions lost INR 34,000. In her case, the money was taken in one of the Bangalore ATM’s.
Techies, please be cautious when you enter any ATM. If you find something suspicious, immediately report the same to ATM Security or nearest Bank branch.
Which bank’s ATM and placed where is the information that would help others avoid the ATM completely.
Doesn’t the ATM have CCTV camera? If not, it is the bank’s fault.