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Techies’ short film Jigsaw wins awards in Aala short film festival>> PSYK studio launched their debut Malayalam short film ‘Jigsaw”, which has got special recognition and multiple awards at Aala short film festival conducted by InApp Information Technologies, Technopark including Best Short Film, Best Director as well as Best D.O.P.

The film “Jigsaw” revolves around the life of techie, who is workaholic and how he becomes confused about his own state of dream, a dream that eventually reflect his own fate .

Aala short film festival was organised by team Aala InApp CSR Mission of InApp working for providing educational support to school students .When trying to figure out their own priorities, these techie have tried to look at a small thread, filmed, and finally rewarded for their team work in between their busy techie life, that is what’s more important in the long run.

Written by Midhun S, the film takes the audience through a few techie people and their stressed lives. Directed by Ranjith Sankar, has won best direction award , while Mathew Roy has handled the cinematography and won Best D.O.P. and the editing, VFX special credits goes to Deepak and Shiva.

Aravind, Sanju, Midhun , Renjith ,Sreeshaj , Drishya, Monika ,Rogy, Vishnu C Sekhar are seen essaying various characters in the film as well as their great support for “JIGSAW” into success . This whole techie team was sponsored and produced by Vishnu C Sekhar.

Feature desk,

Watch and support Jigsaw in Youtube>>


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