>> July 22, 2013: Technopark officials have served termination notice to Vital Links and Services. Pvt Limited which runs food court atop Thejaswini building. The company has been asked to vacate the place by July 31. The food court, which has 10 counters and seven kiosks, has been one of the major hangouts of techies.
It is learnt that VLS has to pay a major sum as due to Technopark, which prompted authorities to make a drastic step. Technopark board has decided that it will not sub lease larger areas to single licensee to run a food court. Technopark authorities are likely to approach brands interested to continue to get into a direct contract with them. Currently VLS has sent a notice to shops asking them to vacate the premises by July 28.
Whatever may be the dispute, techies are likely to face a major food crisis by the end of this month.