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Ten day debate camp for children at Schoolkutti, Trivandrum, 2017): Children’s Library is coming up with a 10-day debate camp to groom children (10 years and above) in presenting complex issues in a concise, clear and persuasive way through challenging workshops and mock debates. The children will be coached by Ms. Kavyanair Prasadjyothy and Ms. Renjitha A Rajan who are successful university debate champions with a lot of passion in debating.

The aim is to provide children an early introduction to critical thinking, communication, and leadership. Debating also develops confidence and skills in analysis and reasoning.

Time: 4 to 6 PM

Dates: April 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Age Group: 10-15 years


Day 1: Introduction about Communication and its various types and the importance of debate among them ..Ice breaking session of the participants
Day 2: The Formal debating Introduction Class ..The University Modal ..
Day 3: The Rebuttal Debating Introduction Class
Day 4 : The Parliament Debating Modal Introduction Class ..
Day 5 : Mock Debate Session 1
Day 6 : Mock Debate Session 2
Day 7 : Mock Debate Session 3
Day 8 : Debate Competition First Round ..All the teams will be participating ..and first round elimination on that day depending on the number of participants .This round will be formal debating .
Day 9 : Second Round of Debates ..Method used will be the Rebuttal Debating ..Elimination will be there
Day 10 :The Final Debate : Parliamentary Modal
The program will ensure the participation of all the participants and they can understand their flaws from such assessments. The topics will be given on the previous day so that they get enough time for preparation

Rs. 2000/- for members and Rs. 2500/- for non-members

Please call 9847320281 or 0471 4015293 for details.


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