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Allianz Services wins the World’s Best Global Business Services Award by SSON

Allianz Services receives industry recognition at Shared Services and Outsourcing Week North America.


  1. at last he got the credit for his work. congratulations Anas.

  2. Thank you very much for all the prayers, support and comments.

  3. i like the design. it is different from technopark’s, but the text-color combination convey the underlying parenthood.
    also, the open arc conveys a satellite receiver as well as a half-crescent, which is apt for kozhikode (secularists excuse, i am talking of culture, not religion)

    good work, anas

  4. Congratz Anas K.A
    Finally you got the recognition for what you deserves..:)
    Anyway nice.. carry on…:)
    Best wishes…

  5. congrats Anaska. great design. its a moment of pride to technopark also.