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Underwater photography workshop at Trivandrum

scuba diving trivandrum underwater photography (Jan, 2018): Discover the magic of underwater photography and start taking great images underwater with the team of adventurists at Bond Safari, who had conducted the World’s 1st Underwater CEO conference and India’s first Underwater Wedding in Kovalam. It’s hard not to be excited when you take the plunge under the water trying to capture the broad vistas of undersea life. Join the workshop organised by Bond Safari and get ready for some adrenaline punch

Photography is drawing with light. Whether you shoot underwater or above, your most important concern is light. Working with ambient light is fun, challenging, interesting and rewarding when you are above water. But, when you dive deep, your ambient light options become limited. Light acts differently underwater. Wanna impress the world with your amazing underwater photography skills? Bond Safari workshop on underwater photography will discuss everything related to it in detail. But, how do you take photographs from under the water, if you don’t know how to dive.

The foundation of underwater photography is being good in-water skills and knowing about marine life. You must be pretty skilled and aware about what is life there. Come,on! Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this exciting first-of-its-kind workshop in Kerala.

11th January 2018, Time: 4PM. Hotel Hycinth by Sparsa, Trivandrum
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