Breaking News

Vizhinjam project received formal Environmental Clearance!!! (Feb, 2014): The $2 Billion Vizhinjam deep-water port and container transshipment terminal was granted Environmental Clearance by the Appraisal Committee of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India on December 3, 2013.

The 5,000+ signatures gathered via the petition hosted on helped to establish overwhelming public support for the project and built the case for its approval.

Heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for taking the time to sign this petition and to persuade others to sign. The Vizhinjam project will change the face of Trivandrum and Kerala and create a better future for all of us and our posterity. That earns you a pat on the back!

The struggle to bring the project to fruition is still not over and vested interests, near and far, will certainly try to hinder its progress. Your continued attention and support is essential to keep our leaders on their toes to ensure that the project does not falter.

In addition to each of you, we would like to thank for this excellent platform, folks like Dr. Shashi Tharoor and Ambika Pillai m’am for popularizing the campaign and to the like-minded people and organizations that worked for getting this clearance, especially by handing over hard copies of the signatures to the MoEF committee in New Delhi.

Please stay tuned to the project by Liking its FB page –

Thanks once again and take care! Let’s look forward to a new landmark for Kerala and India!


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