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Wipro building India’s fastest supercomputer for ISRO

India’s third largest information technology firm, Wipro Ltd, is building what will become the country’s fastest supercomputer for the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro)—giving the agency critical muscle to crunch large volumes of data as it designs more complex launch vehicles and sets out on ambitious space programmes.

The supercomputer, being built at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) in Trivandrum, will have a processing speed of 200-500 teraflops—one-and-a-half times more powerful than India’s fastest computer now and at least twice faster than Isro’s current supercomputing capability.One teraflop is the ability to process one trillion mathematical operations in a second.The supercomputer is likely to be commissioned in about three months, said P.S. Veeraraghavan, director of the space centre.

The existing supercomputer at VSSC has a speed of 70 teraflops. The centre was looking to go up to 200 teraflop

Here is the list of top supercomputers in India, at, complementing the well-known top 500 list at, avidly followed by supercomputing fans worldwide


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